Actualités - ENG
( "La directrice générale de la santé végétale et du contrôle des intrants agricoles au ministère de l'Agriculture, Naima...
(Réussir- La Dépêche le Petit Meunier) "Alors que seulement 35 % des pâtes consommées en France sont fabriquées dans...
(The New Arab) "The funding aims to improve Egypt's grain storage and logistics infrastructure, enabling the GASC to improve...
(THE PINNACLE GAZETTE, translated by UkrAgroConsult) "The significant increase of 40% poses challenges to consumers and food security as...
(S&P Global) "Saudi Arabia, one of the key grain markets in the Middle East, is likely to maintain steady...
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The latest newsletter highlights are:
Joint survey on wheat quality criteria (with IGC)
Drought in the...
The bulletin presenting the results of the 2023/24 harvest for winter crops (soft wheat, durum...
The latest newsletter highlights are:
12th Ministerial Meeting of CIHEAM
Agricultural Monitoring and Early...
