(SeeNews) "Albania's central bank said it is launching a 25 billion leks ($262.8 million/252.9 million euro) loan...
(SeeNews) "Serbia put to wheat 590,483 hectares in the autumn last year, up 8.6% compared to 2023,...
(AgroNotizie) "It is not only drought that is putting agriculture in southern Italy out of business. Often...
(Revista Campo) "Hay agua en los pantanos y humedad en el suelo, con frío invernal en la...
(Agrodigital) "En el otoño de 2024, los agricultores españoles han sembrado más superficie de cereales de otoño-invierno...
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The bulletin presenting the results of the 2023/24 harvest for winter crops (soft wheat, durum...
The latest newsletter highlights are:
12th Ministerial Meeting of CIHEAM
Agricultural Monitoring and Early...
Los aspectos más destacados del último boletín son:
Sequías de verano, irrigación y gestión del...